


CTCOLIC conducts all of its business in cyberspace, holding a continuous "virtual meeting" via our Yahoo Groups email lists.  Our working files are stored at Yahoo Groups as well, either with our main email list or in folders associated with each of our stock study teams.  In addition to our email lists, we also hold live meetings via AOL Instant Messenger (AIM).  This offers us the quick exchange of ideas and an opportunity to socialize with our fellow Partners.  Click on one of the links for more information about our communications.

E-mail Lists                File Storage             AIM  


E-mail Lists

Most of CTCOLIC's business is done via 10 public email lists that use the Yahoo Groups list server for processing.  Our Partners and Prospective Partners may post to the mailing lists, while others may follow our activities by subscribing to these lists and obtaining "read only" privileges.  We use our main “ctcolic” list for Club business and the “coastchat” list for non-business messages.  We also have one list for each of our 8 stock study Teams where a Team’s preparatory discussions are held (see our Study Schedule and Stock Studies pages for more information about our studies).

  If you wish to follow all of our activities, you’ll need to subscribe to all 10 lists.  If you want to begin more slowly, just subscribe to the main business list –“ctcolic” – and add more lists later.

The lists are (click the list name to subscribe via email):


ctcolic – The Club’s main business list.


coastchat – The Chat list used for off-topic and personal chat.


CTC_Blue_Team – Blue Team list.


CTC_Gold_Team – Gold Team list.


CTC_Green_Team – Green Team list.


CTC_Orange_Team – Orange Team list.


CTC_Purple_Team – Purple Team list.


CTC_Red_Team – Red Team list.


CTC_Teal_Team – Teal Team list.


CTC_Turquoise_team – Turquoise Team list.

List for Partners Only:

ctcolic-partners-only – Email list for private Partner business.

Yet another list:

We also have a separate CTC_BookChat  list for investing book discussions.  All subscribers to this list may participate in the discussions.


 The subscription process is simple:


Click on the list name above, and send the blank email message that should open automatically within your email program.


You’ll be approved by one of the list moderators (unless you’re a known rabble-rouser <g>), and will get a welcome message to that effect.  Remember, unless you’re a CTCOLIC Partner, your subscription will be approved on a read-only basis.


If you have trouble with the links above, try one of the following:

send a blank email to "<list_name>-subscribe@yahoogroups.com", without "quote marks" and <brackets>.  While it’s hard to see, the Team list names include an underline “_” between each of the list name parts, e.g. CTC_Red_Team-subscribe@…


go directly to Yahoo Groups, log in and follow the instructions to subscribe to an email list.

Once your subscription is approved:


You’ll be able to send and receive email messages (only Partners can send messages), and have access to the file section at Yahoo Groups where we keep many of our current SSG study files (see Working File Storage below).


To send mail to the lists, address your email to <list_name>@yahoogroups.com.  Remember, don’t include the <brackets> and don’t forget the underline between the parts of the Team list names, e.g. CTC_Purple_Team@…


You can choose to receive messages as they are delivered to the server, as a daily digest, or read them directly from the Yahoo Groups web site (the “no mail” option).  To manage your subscriptions, go to Yahoo Groups and log in.  Click the link for "My Groups" and you should be presented with a page showing you all of the lists to which you are subscribed.  Click on the group name’s link and you’ll go to the group’s home page. On that page you can change how you receive your mail by choosing the “Edit My Membership” link.


If you wish to send messages from more than one email address, you must subscribe from each address.  If you do this and wish to receive mail at only one email address, choose the “no mail” option for message delivery at your alternate address.

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While we are discussing and presenting our studies, we use the “Files” area at Yahoo Groups to store our files.  Anyone subscribed to the lists can download files from Yahoo Groups, but only Partners may upload files to the area.  In the early Team discussion phase of a study, the Teams use the file area associated with their Team’s individual email list.  As the discussion moves to the main CTCOLIC email list, final drafts of study files are posted to the ctcolic file area into the "Current Studies" folder.

From the CTCOLIC list home page, there are also folders for "Current Portfolio" and "Watchlist", which contain our current files for the stocks we own or are watching.

To find our files, go to the appropriate list’s home page at Yahoo Groups and choose the “Files” link or click the links below, which should whisk you away to the correct files area for each list:


ctcolic file area


Blue Team file area


Gold Team file area


Green Team file area


Orange Team file area


Purple Team file area


Red Team file area


Teal Team file area


Turquoise team file area

Once a presentation is finished, the study files are moved to a permanent location on our web site – check out the “Stock Studies” folder for more information.

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AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)

CTCOLIC holds monthly business meetings, along with other instructional sessions, (see our Study Schedule page) in an AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) chat room.  To participate, you must obtain a screen name from AOL, then download and install the the free AIM software.

Just before the scheduled meeting time, one of our officers signs onto AIM, begins a chat session, then invites all of the participants into the chat room.  You must make sure that your AIM screen name is up-to-date on the current contact list to be invited into the chat session; forward any changes to the ctcolic email list.

All of our meetings are open to the public, but only Partners and Prospective Partners may “speak”. After you register with AOL and choose a screen name, you will need to contact our Membership Committee to be added to the invitation list.

Copyright © 2002 Coast to Coast Online Investment Club
Last modified: Sunday July 10, 2005