CTCOLIC February 2005 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of meeting of CTCOLIC 2/22/05

Jason proxy for Bill
Karen proxy for Randy

Motion made and passed to accept minutes and treasurer reports.

Old business:
Checking on getting club paperwork back from Janie
Re-assigned stock watching of PFE to Karen
Brief updates on BBY and BBBY

Education Topic:
Blue team, "How is our Selling?"
Ana analysis was made of past selling decisions, and how continuing to hold each position would have affected our total return. Discussion of offensive/defensive reasons for selling. Offensive selling (in an overvalued situation) should be done via a challenge. Consider overvalued shares as AFC until a higher potential  total return candidate is offered. Defensive selling( declining fundamentals) should be clearly defined and understood by all members. Motion made and passed as follows:
"Sell recommendations must be posted to the CTCOLIC list at least one week prior to the meeting and contain a brief explanation of the reason for selling.  Motions submitted less than one week prior, may be passed but only by unanimous consent".

A thank you was given to Dan Abraham at IClub Central for making available the treasurer's software for the study calculations.

New business:
Joan withdrawal to be thought about and decided at the next meeting. Either a transfer of appreciated stock or a cash payout is available.

Purple Team is up at bat for a portfolio review, the 2 companies to be dissected this time are BBY and LOW.

Motion to adjourn 10:08PM EST.

Copyright © 2002 Coast to Coast Online Investment Club
Last modified: Sunday July 10, 2005